Written by elishacorsiga.com


Emmeline is a Filipina-Canadian Empowerment Photographer and an advocate for body acceptance, body neutrality and self-love.

She uses her platform to bring attention to these topics, and she does so without holding back.

“I like to share my experience online so others can learn from my honesty”.

Her passion for celebrating women and their bodies motivates her to do the work she does now.

When photographing her clients, her goal is to ensure they feel beautiful in each shot she takes. With multiple beaming Google reviews from past clients, it goes without saying she constantly achieves this goal.

Behind her success are many years of customer service experience.

“seeing the perspective of the customer, and asking the correct questions… really helps me apply those skills and questions to my photography business”.

However, Emmeline faced challenges in becoming the empowering figure she is today. Growing up as an only child to Filipino immigrants, she often felt constricted by tradition. In Filipino culture, children are often heavily dissuaded from pursuing professions in arts and culture.


“It was tough growing up with that. I could tell I was really creative, and I tried to pursue that regardless of what they were telling me. I grew up a rebel”

Using photography as a way to express her creativity, she eventually ended up pursing it as career.

One moment in particular that inspired Emmeline to specialize in boudoir photography was seeing her first client beam upon seeing photos of herself.


“That was the first time I ever did a boudoir photoshoot,” she recalls. “She [her client] never thought of herself as beautiful or sexy. When I took these pictures of her and when she saw herself and said ‘wow, is that me?’, I got addicted to that feeling!”.

Emmeline’s message to women is to “be unapologetically yourself, as long as you’re not hurting anyone. Be you… If you are yourself, it allows other people to be themselves”.