You already know that loving yourself comes from within. There is NO tangible thing that you can attain to give you happiness. ⁣⁣


You know this. I know this. We all know this. ⁣⁣


But somehow we still strive to get that “perfect body”, “the perfect hair”, “when I buy those boobs”, “when I get my body back” .... then we think “that’s when I can feel happier”. ⁣⁣


I know because I do this. ⁣⁣


The thing is, when you achieved that tangible goal, you’ll find another external thing that you can change, then another and another. ⁣⁣


I’m not saying it’s wrong to want those things. I believe that you cannot rely on becoming happy from it.⁣⁣


What we need to do is understand WHY we feel getting that *thing* will make us happy. ⁣⁣


When we become self aware, we then can make ACTIONS in changing those thought processes.⁣⁣


What I want for you is to live a fuller life. Think less about how you look but rather how you feel. ⁣⁣


You can buy that fancy car, your fancy $1,000 shoes, those boobs you’ve always wanted, trust me, I want them too. You do you booboo. just know that it won’t be enough. 💛 #emmelinethings⁣⁣


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Beautiful photo of me by @bennettmurphyphotography

Thank you 🙏🏽